Coiled Basketry


Coiled Basketry

from $98.00

Instructor Susan Rothman

Learn how to make a basket with the coil and stitch technique. It is so easy and lots of fun! Use natural materials; raffia, wild date palm leaves and torrey pine needles and/or yarn to transform them into functional coiled vessels. The technique of coiling was one of the primary basketry techniques developed to a high art here in San Diego County by Native Americans. While their craft was necessary for survival, this modern reawakening can be a soothing, creative process. Good for all skill levels. All materials provided.

$86 Bravo member / $99 non-member + $12 Supplies fee

CANCELED> Saturday, January 18, 10am - 2:30pm OR

Thursday, March 27, 10am - 2:30pm

Class enrollment is typically limited to 4 - 6 people in each class. If you and your friends want to attend and sit together in a class, but there is only one spot left, please email or call us to adjust the count so you both can register. :)

Member or Non-Member:
Enroll Now

For discounts on most classes.