Landscape Painting in Oils

Oil painting Shelby Marzoni Golden Hill Park.jpg
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Oil painting Shelby Marzoni Golden Hill Park.jpg
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Landscape Painting in Oils

from $169.00

3 weeks | Instructor Shelby Marzoni

In this introductory oil painting class, learn the foundations of using oil paints and mediums. Explore the basics of color mixing by creating your own color wheel and painting a landscape from a photo reference of your own choosing. Practice some basics of composition, blending techniques, painting wet-into-wet, and how that differs from applying glazes over dry paint. Supply list provided upon registration.

$144 Bravo member / $162 non-member + $25 Supplies fee

Wednesdays, May 8, 15 & 22 from 10am - 1pm OR

Saturdays, July 13, 20 & 27 from 2 - 5pm OR

Thursdays, August 1, 15 & 22 from 10am - 1pm

Students must wear a mask. As long as Covid is present in our community and breakthrough infection for the vaccinated is a reality, and while strangers gather in our studio for more than a few minutes, masks will be a requirement. Bravo’s studio classroom is like my home and I want us all to be healthy. ~ Lauren Becker Downey

Class enrollment is typically limited to 4 - 6 people in each class. If you and your friends want to attend and sit together in a class, but there is only one spot left, please email or call us to adjust the count so you both can register. :)

Member or Non-Member:
Enroll now

For discounted rates on most art classes.